In recent years, the term “coding” seems to be getting more and more popular. I don’t know about you, but at first, I didn’t really care much for coding. How wrong I was! In this blog post, I will cover what coding actually is, why you should care and what skills you can gain from it.
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What is Coding?
Imagine a blank slate but slowly that blank slate starts developing into anything you can imagine. Coding in simple terms is a way of telling computers what to do. Computer games like Minecraft run code to develop the world around them.
What Skills Can I Learn From Coding?
· Creativity. You can develop anything you want, whenever you want and it’s completely up to you. Why not develop your own video game?
· Mathematical skills. You may not realise it but as you’re coding, you’re picking up real experience that allows you to improve your mathematical skills without filling in sheets of equations.
· Problem solving skills. Coding allows you to think logically by breaking down problems and developing your own ideas to solve them.
· Determination and persistence! Coding at first can be a difficult jump but there really is no great accomplishment than having finally built your own program no matter how small it may be.
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So, What’s The Big Deal?
Coding really is in our future. Everything around us is ran by code and we don’t even realise it, even things we take for granted. Social media applications, websites, smartphones, video games have all been developed by humans using code. You can build whatever you want, and in general, computer programmers tend to earn a lot of money. Coding really is a valuable skill to have nowadays and there really is a big reward from learning it.
Where Do I Get Started?
Educademy run introduction courses to recommend starter programmer languages such as ‘Scratch’ and ‘Python’ targeted at a young audience and teenagers. Check out our Summer camp courses if you are interested in starting to code or create video games! Alternatively, check out some cool resources like or CodeCombat!