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Why Consider Tutoring?

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My Experience With Tutoring

When I was younger, I always wanted a tutor. The approach of 1-to-1 teaching really appealed to me!  I loved the thought of being able to ask as many questions as I wanted, and really ‘broaden my horizons’.

When I was 17, that is exactly what I decided to do. During my A-Levels, I worked a part-time job for pocket money which would go towards maths tutoring for one hour per week. My expectations were indeed correct! My calm, collected and intelligent tutor worked me through any problems I had, any content I wanted to cover and absolutely any questions I had. I had never found something so beneficial, especially because I was always so keen to really solidify the knowledge that I had gained.

Weeks passed, and the lessons quickly stacked up. I was learning comfortably at my own pace unlike in a classroom where I felt a pressure to learn things rather quickly. If I didn’t understand, I felt no judgement. Before this, I had always felt judged if I didn’t understand quickly which would not enable to me to reach my full potential. My tutor would always push me in the right direction which encouraged me to learn more about mathematics in my free-time.

In the end, I secured myself an A-grade in my mathematics A-Level! Although this was thanks to my own hard-work, tutoring certainly helped to contribute to my success as it helped me to solidify my knowledge. Here at Educademy, we’re all keen to deliver the same exact experience to children.

Image credit - Pixabay - JohnsonMartin

Why Consider Tutoring at Educademy?

  • Practical and Theoretical – we understand that no child learns the same. Therefore, we’ve structured and developed our courses around providing as many fun projects alongside learning the fascinating theories behind Computer Science.

  • Content for the entire year. You won’t have to worry about your child running out of things to do. Our tutors offer content that lasts the entire year whether that be for our Scratch course, Python course or Unity/C# course. We’ll ensure that your child leaves the lesson having learnt something.

  • A unique approach. We understand that learning the secondary school syllabus is certainly important. However, we also offer a view at the world of artificial intelligence and the variety of things it offers. For instance, in one of our Python lessons, we cover what chatbots are, what they were like and how they developed!

  • A comfortable pace. Our tutor will get to know your child and tailor their approach to the child’s benefit. Whether your child has no knowledge or lots of knowledge – we cater for all ability.

I – and every one of our other tutors – want to make sure that your child learns something each and every week.

I know exactly how nerve-wrecking it can be at first when first receiving tuition. You don’t know what to expect, whether it will be bad or good; luckily, Educademy currently offers a FREE trial lesson to give you a small snippet of what’s to come in our courses. Why not come and try?

Feel like you can become a tutor? Have a look at our vacancies and maybe one day you’ll add to the above story…

Author: Sophie Dillon